Nutritional Fitness PRINCIPLE Whats In Your Food

I was trying to figure out the omega 6 content of foods (mainly nuts/seeds), and ran across this site which has alot of nutritional information on various foods. I was looking for a way to decrease the amount of omega 6 that I consume, given that I eat alot of nuts/seeds.

On this site you can type in a desired food and its whole nutritional profile will show up to include a nutritional rating, as well as a nutrient balance and protein balance score. I concluded my search confirming that I need to add flax and chia seeds to my smoothies. They both have very favorable omega 3:6 ratios which help to minimize inflammation.

Pretty cool. I just hope the information is accurate : )

Nutritional Fitness PRINCIPLE – Good Living

This link will take you to an interview with Bernando LaPallo who’s is now 113, giving his secrets on life and eating.  Notice how good his skin looks.

Key practices:

1) Faith and a good attitude

2) Regular exercise

3) Fruits and Vegetables (blue berries, greens, and beans)

4) Cinnamon  and herbal teas

Learn from a master : )

Alkaline Foods?

There is an article on alkaline foods and 74 foods were recommended ( However when I cross referenced this list with foods from a ph app that lists the PRAL score there were several inconsistencies.
– PRAL stands for Potential Renal Acid Load and seems to be the standard for determining whether foods have an acidifying or alkalinizing effect on the body. You can read about PRAL calculations and recommendations here: Those at this site suggests checking your urine, shooting for ph values at there low in the morning and increasing over the course of the day (6.5 to 7 in the morning and then increasing) . You can also find some recommendations here
– get an app that list the PRAL score of foods as this seems to be the standards
– the green foods seem to consistently have very low PRAL scores (in the negative range). But there are other foods that are not green that mainly have an alkalinizing effect on the body. You may need to check several sources to see if they consistently report that a food is alkalinic as there are inconsistencies reported.
– many spices seem to be alkaline, it may help to familiarize yourself with them and use them regularly in cooking.
beans, greens, and rice (which is only mildly acidic may need to be the main stay of the diet. If you have trouble with beans, try cooking them with a little baking soda, that may help.

– Finally, consider using ph strips to test your urine.  In this way you can get a better idea as to the effect your diet is having on your acid base load.  If you find recipes that are helpful, please share


Go Green!

I have a conversation this past week with a firefighter who, in less than six weeks, went from requesting a second surgery, to not only not needing surgery, but feeling that he was well enough to return to work.  This was after a year and a half of pain and reduced motion that failed to improve.   What made the difference?  A change in lifestyle which centered on changing the way he ate.  Being inspired by the movie “Forks Over Knives” (click title to watch online for free :)),  he decided to eliminate meat, eliminate sugar, and go with a plant based diet.  One part of his diet was drinking smoothies recommended at the following website link:  7 Nutritious  Recipes (click link for website posting)

I have made some modifications to these recipes, and have come up with three smoothies myself (green, yellow/orange, and red –  I call them my traffic light).  I will share is my green and orange smoothies (still working on the red):

  • Green (good for energy): two handfuls of chopped kale, one handful of chopped lettuce, 2 stalks of chopped celery, handful of frozen peas, one apple (green : ), one banana, cup of pineapple, tablespoon of mint leaves, cup of plain yogurt, and 1/2 cup of water.
  • Orange (good for my joints): two oranges, yellow apple, 1/2 small sweet potato (raw), 1/2 of large carrot, banana, slice of ginger, cup of yogurt, and 1/2 cup of water.

 Sometimes I will add some beans to my smoothies for a little protein, mainly canned black-beans.

These make more than you can drink in one setting, but  a glass or two will keep you energized for most of the morning : )

If you have a favorite, please share..


Toxic Sugar??? All Sugar Not The Same!


There was a recent 60 Minutes program done by Dr. Sanjay Gupta suggesting that sugar is toxic.  Leading this charge was Dr. Robert Lustig (UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology), who feels that all sugar is toxic and responsible for a host of chronic diseases to include obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.  He has a  lecture on youtube called Sugar: The Bitter Truth (please watch this, please), which has had over 2 million hits, and over 16,000 likes (and 300 dislikes ; )

The Research:

Much of the comments on the 60 Minutes program surrounded the work of  Dr Kimber Stanhope, a molecular biologist at the University of California Davis.   In March of 2009 she published a paper where she observed outcomes in two groups of overweight subjects who only differed in the amount of fructose or glucose that they drank.  The glucose or fructose beverage made up 25% of their total calories, and total carbs were 55% of total calories.  She found  that the fructose group gained more fat around their stomach, experienced a worse lipid profile (risk factors for heart disease) and developed greater insulin insensitivity (risk factor for diabetes).  Basically, this study suggests that not all sugar is the same.  It turns out that fructose does not affect insulin levels (only insulin insensitivity), is metabolized principally by the liver, and  is easily converted to fat.  In fact, its the sugar that acts like a fat, and goes right to your stomach.  This is not the fate of glucose, which is a sugar that acts like a sugar.   This caused me to look further into the notion of sugar being toxic.

My Reflections:

I won’t bore you with all of the details of my investigation, and just highlight a couple of impressions:

1) Sucrose, which is table sugar is a combination of fructose and glucose (the good linked to the bad).  This is also the main form of sugar found in honey.  While these sugars (sucrose) can be found in whole foods, the amounts are less, and the toxic effects of the fructose are lessened by the presense of fiber.

2) We get more sugar into our diet than we should and this is not good.  For most, much of the sugar that we consume comes in the form of sweetened beverages, and most of that is fructose.   As an example a large coke at McDonald’s has 84 grams of carbohydrate vs the Big Mac sandwich which has 45 grams of carbohydrate.  And here is another important point, the carbs in the drink is all sugar, vs the sandwich where only 9 grams represent sugar.  Pay attention to the amount of  “sugar”, as this may be more important than the total carbs!?!?  Also pay attention to the amount of fiber, more being better.

3) Fructose in excess has a greater negative consequence on our bodies because of  where the fat shows up, and the effects on our lipid profiles, which changes them in a manner that increases our risk of heart disease.  There is also suggestion that fructose is bad for our joints, causing pain and impairment in a fashion similar to gout (because  it increases uric acid).


1) Limit your consumption of sugar containing beverages (pop, juice, etc).

2) Try to limit the amount of foods that are high in fructose.  I did find one website that list foods by the amount of fructose that they contain.  The website is called SelfNutritionData. It helps that you can filter the foods by category.  Try to migrate your diet toward foods that are lower in fructose.

3) If you find that this strategy helps to take inches off of your belly, and your joints no longer bother you,  LET Me.US KNOW!!! (you can also let me know if you think this is a lot of nonsense : )